Supporting & celebrating our communities
Discover how Quad is actively shaping community connections and making a difference at local events.
Milwaukee Pride Parade
On June 5, 2023, Quad was a Gold Sponsor of Milwaukee’s Pride Parade, which included bringing our Duplainville Transport show truck to celebrate the occasion. More than 55 Quad employees, including members of our Pride business resource group (BRG), and other allies joined in the festivities.
Milwaukee Juneteenth Celebration
In June 2023, Quad sponsored a vibrant booth at Milwaukee’s annual Juneteenth Celebration, where members of Quad’s U.N.I.T.E. BRG and other employee volunteers celebrated the day by giving away Quad and Juneteenth-themed items to attendees who spun the Quad wheel for their chance to win various prizes.
The BrandLab
Quad is now in the third year of our $1 million commitment to bring The BrandLab, an organization focused on changing the marketing industry, to Milwaukee. Through its internship and learning programs, The BrandLab exposes young people to viable creative careers. In 2023, Quad welcomed 11 BrandLab interns who have been placed together in cohorts across different areas of the business — including Marketing, Studio, Milwaukee Magazine and Periscope. We also sponsored The BrandLab’s Fearless Conference, which is focused on fostering inclusion at organizations across the industry.
Honoring military veterans: Stars and Stripes Honor Flight Gala
Quad was the inaugural presenting sponsor of the highly successful Stars and Stripes Honor Flight Gala in Wisconsin to help raise funds for the organization’s annual trips for veterans. Several times a year, the organization takes a group of veterans on a one-day trip from Milwaukee to Washington, D.C., to see the memorials that honor and recognize them for their military service. We also sponsored two tables at the gala, making it possible for several Quad employees who are veterans to attend. Quad also used this platform to encourage unemployed or underemployed veterans to reach out for employment opportunities.
Illustrating the meaning of community: SHARP Literacy
In partnership with SHARP Literacy — an educational organization working to reduce the opportunity gap for area students — as well as Milwaukee artist Reginald Baylor, Quad welcomed the installation of a mural inspired by fourth- and fifth-graders from Milwaukee’s Doerfler School. Through workshops, based on SHARP Literacy’s latest We Love to Learn book “Journeys of Home,” students engaged in reading, writing, critical thinking and art activities aligned with the book’s themes. Using students’ responses to the question “What does community mean to you?,” Baylor created a typographic mural that was installed in Quad’s training and recruitment hub, Quad MKE. Students were invited to the unveiling of the mural, where they were able to sign the wall and engage in other activities. “We celebrated the community and the students,” says Quad MKE Site Director Brandon Ramey. “It was a celebration of their talents and their skill sets.”
Uplifting women leaders: TEMPO
Quad was a proud sponsor of the Milwaukee-based women’s leadership organization TEMPO’s 17th Annual Leadership Event, featuring Olympic gymnast Simone Biles. This premier professional development event — from the largest professional women’s group in Wisconsin — offers networking opportunities as well as insights into current business challenges and opportunities centered on the theme of leadership.